GEOEssential fully answers the scope of the ERA-Planet project “to foster and support the development of comprehensive and sustainable global Earth Observation (EO) information systems, which will contribute to GEOSS activity in the domain of urban areas and natural resources”. Indeed, by focusing on EVs (e.g. climate, water, energy, food, biodiversity) linked to selected SBAs, the project will improve the sustainability of EO-based indicator systems.

GEOEssential is addressing particularly well the following and selected overarching objectives of ERA-PLANET:

i. Integrate to the extent possible the overarching goals of GEOSS and Copernicus for key environmental priority issues aiming to support the implementation of the European Environmental Policy;

ii. Take-onboard national agendas, improving the alignment of national and European research programmes dealing with EO and data infrastructures;

iii. Ensure additional resourcing and integration of existing and future ground truth facilities to validate EO data;

iv. Contribute to the definition, with potential end-users (i.e., stakeholders, policymakers, companies, local authorities), of key and society-relevant indicators making use of EO Essential Variables and promote their generation for monitoring processes related to the environment monitoring;

GEOEssential also addresses the Strand 2 specific objectives by focusing particularly on the European perspective of global sustainability to ensure the security of supply and the management of resources. This is achieved by focusing and building on the key policy domains described below.